Thursday, October 12, 2006

Philosophical Ramblings

I've been doing some soul-searching over the past few weeks, trying to figure out what kind of work I see myself doing way on down the road. That's not to suggest that I don't like what I'm doing now - far from it, I think this is probably the best place I could be right now in terms of gaining practical experience and learning more about the world around me. But I knew from the start that I was unlikely to remain with my present employer for the next twenty years.

As near as I can figure it, here's the big question: is it better to be out there doing a job, or inspiring others to go out and do it themselves? In my particular case, the job in question relates to international affairs and conflict resolution, but I think the same holds true for pretty much any would-be do-gooder.

Before you can do either, it's pretty obvious that the first step is to get to the point where you know what you're talking about. That's where I am now - learning the biz, and getting myself in a good position to do a Master's a few years down the road. This, perhaps, to be followed with a bit more practical experience.

But what then? Do I join the United Nations or the Privy Council Office and work there, or work to encourage Joe or Jane Westerner that it's in everyone's best interest to read a newspaper and write their elected representative? Heavy questions, for reals.

Ultimately, I think it'll work out to be some kind of a balance. That is, working with an organization that enlists the aide of Joe and Jane Westerner to tackle the root causes of conflict at a grassroots level. But how will I get there? I'm starting to think there should be some time spent as a teacher, but how much? And when?

As an aside, if you're the last kid on your block to hear about the $100 laptop, check it out here. Assuming this thing does half of what it says it can do by the time it hits the street, this thing's going to change the freakin' world.

Finally: I think I've figured out what I'm going to do, charity wise. I'm in the process of tracking down the contact information for the Laroo school for war-affected children in Uganda (article here). Seems like a worthy cause, and by giving directly to a local NGO, I should be able to skip a lot of Western-real-estate-and-salaries overhead. The only thing I won't get is a tax rebate. Booo. Still, something tells me those war orphans and former child soldiers need it more than I do.

Okay, that's enough goodness for today. Don't mind me - I'll post something heartily offensive in the next day or so.


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