Sunday, October 15, 2006

Kitten Update

The kittens (Whiskey and Socks) have arrived at the place in Ottawa, after having spent a few weeks at Andrea's mother's place. They've come a long way from what they were like when we first picked them up.

They no longer feel the desire to disappear for hours at a time, so scared that they hide inside the hard-to-reach bits of furniture. Now, they race through the apartment and use their little kitten-claws to climb everything and anything. Come to think of it, I kind of miss the hiding.

They're brother and sister, and play together constantly. They have a habit of waiting until the other lets their guard down, and then conducting a kitten sneak attack. They're still small enough that they can squeeze under my bookcases.

Both of them manage to get into everything and anything. The house is slowly being kitten-proofed, only to find that something that we thought to be harmless to kittens is actually well within the grasp of their little claws. Case in point - trying to sleep when a kitten has decided that the zipper on your suitcase is a dangerous animal that must be slain at all costs.

All in all: very cute, very happy we adopted them. Pictures to appear in the near future.


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