Friday, March 11, 2005

I hate JetsGo. I heart CIBC Visa.

The tickets that I had with JetsGo are now defunct. I had two tickets for Calgary in April, and spent most of this morning scrambling to figure out what was to become of the money that I had paid them. Floated off into the great void, I had imagined.

A few phone calls later, and I officially love the fine people at CIBC Visa. It takes a lot to gain my customer allegiance, but they now have it, 100%. The card in question is the CIBC Aerogold, and it covers 100% of the loss. Now, it's going to take a few weeks for them to process it, but givem the circumstances (ie. many of their customers are stranded in far-away destinations) I can't really complain.

Sweet. The Ryan-luck is in effect.


At 1:39 a.m., Blogger Channing said...

Did Jetsgo fold or something?

At 3:44 p.m., Blogger Ryan said...

I'm getting a huge number of hits on the page from people who are googling "I hate JetsGo." If you are one of these people, will you share your "I hate JetsGo" story? Because I'd like to hear how everyone else hates them, too.

I could also give you the exact CIBC numbers to call/fax so that you can get your money back. Interested, yet?

I'm starting to think about using lots of high-traffic keywords to Iraq my Paris Hilton blog into Michael Jackson hit counter heaven.

I'm kidding. Kind of.


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