Saturday, December 31, 2005

Continued from Last Episode

To relieve the suspense: Andrea's flight did, indeed, arrive safely.

The past couple of days in Palm Desert have been really good. It's been much colder than last time, and is even (dare I say it) "chilly" when the sun isn't out. But we've been making the most of the sun that we had, and have gotten in at least 5 - 6 hours in quality poolside time. It may be the only poolside time we get for the rest of our trip, so we're counting ourselves lucky.

I've spent so much time looking at MLS that my eyes are starting to glaze over, and I'm in danger of agreeing to anything that my realtor tells me, just to get this process over with. I need to stop browsing listings for a few days so that, when I actually go for a house hunting trip, I don't buy the first outhouse or icefishing cabin that's shown to me.

I'm getting seriously excited about my new job. I think it's going to be pretty damned great. I'm not excited about having to live out of a suitcase for the next couple of months, or with the having to rent an apartment before I can move into a house. I am excited about being able to host parties again. It was great being able to have friends out at the cottage, but I miss having a large group of people drop in for a party. Also, I miss making Party Juice.

I'll be back in town for January 3rd. I'll probably be out to the cottage for a few days, then off to Ottawa for a week to do house hunting.


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