Saturday, July 29, 2006

And like that... *poof*... he's gone

I'm going away on work for the next two and a half weeks, and I'm not really sure how much blogging I'll be able to do while I'm gone. It could be much more, or none at all. I have no idea, but at least you won't be surprised if my lack of posting continues well into August.

Andrea and I spent the past week out at the cottage, visiting with family. We spent a few days with my little niece (and her exhauted but proud parents), and managed to get a few visits in with my cousin, Dustin, and his girlfriend. Dustin had been teaching English in Russia for several years, and I wasn't expecting him until August, so his visit was a particularly nice surprise.

Apart from that, we didn't do a hell of a lot. We hung out on the porch a great deal, and did quite a bit of reading. And we went swimming. And barbequed. But that was about it. Then again, that's all summer should be about, if you ask me.

Unfortunately, the vacation was punctuated by the "loss" of my credit card. While it never physically left my possession, someone managed to clone my Visa and went on a miniature rampage. When the dust finally settled, they'd racked up several hundred dollars worth of charges, and I needed to get a new card. What was particularly disappointing was the fact that they spent all the money at Esso, McDonald's, and Subway. If you're going to commit theft, could you at least do something cool with the card? Like, buy a boat or something? Seriously. McDonalds and Esso? That's just sad.


At 12:24 p.m., Blogger Ryan said...

Nice... I was wondering if anyone would could that reference.

At 8:46 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I caught the reference as well, but Riz beat me to it. Too bad about the credit card.

At 5:29 p.m., Blogger Ryan said...

Kelly: It's not too bad... I managed to get a new one issued before I left on my trip. Glad to see that you're back to blogging again... perhaps you'll consider e-mailing me the password, so that I can read the posts?


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