Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Home Remedies

I have a cold. Apparently, it's been going around Queen's the past couple of days. The symptoms for this particular bug are a sore throat, coughing, lots of phlegm, and generally feeling out-to-lunch.

I managed to limit the damage I could do to myself and others by staying in bed yesterday, but I needed to head out to the cottage today. I was doing fine until I went grocery shopping, where I managed to smash an entire bottle of barbeque sauce just outside the store. I embedded a few pieces of glass in my hands and feet, and managed to cover most of my left foot (and sandal) with spicy, spicy barbequeing goodness.

The owner of the store is a king among men - he not only cleaned up the mess and offered me paper towel to clean myself up, he also gave me a free bottle of sauce to replace the one I broke. Helluva guy. So, this is where I plug Glenburnie Grocery. They're a damned fine store.

Anyways, there was a point to all this. Any recommendations for home remedies for a cold / sore throat? I've been drinking lots of fluids, getting lots of rest, and drinking plenty of lemon tea. Can you suggest some other home remedies? If so, please leave a comment.

In the mean time, I'll be spending some quality time with my good friends couch and Dr. Phil if you need me.


At 9:38 p.m., Blogger JTL said...

1. Buy yourself some frozen orange juice. Tropicana will work, but really, save yourself the extra two bucks. I recommend Minute Maid Low Acid.

1a. Mix the OJ with three cans of cold water.

2. Acquire a glass. Preferably clean.

3. Drink the entire pitcher's worth of OJ. You will hate the taste of orange juice by the end of it. But, by god, put that whole fuckin' thing into you.

4. Get a good night's sleep.

At 9:59 a.m., Blogger Ryan said...

JTL: Is it the Vitamin C in the OJ that I'm going for? I've been knocking back apple juice like there's no tomorrow, and it seems to be helping... apparently, each can has something like 200% of the daily dose of Vitamin C.

Susan: Damn it... I just recently rebuilt the bar, but I'm missing one item. Brandy. Does whiskey work? I must say, though, I think your gramma has a good thing going with this cure.

At 1:07 p.m., Blogger Wandering Coyote said...

You're doing exactly what I would do, Dr. Phil and all.

If you get sick of OJ, just pop few chewable vitamin C tablets instead.

Next time, when you feel the cold coming on, immediately down several mugs of strong echinacea tea. I have on occasion lessened my cold symptoms that way, and even once or twice warded off the cold altogether. Make sure it's good quality echinacea, though.

At 4:53 p.m., Blogger JTL said...

The OJ's good for three reasons:

1. Vitamin C helps you from the inside.
2. Sugar gives you a quick energy boost.
3. The water is good for you on general principles.

Pretty much the head-cold ass-kicker, if you ask me.


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