Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Halifax and Cottage

Busy couple of days. Erin and Riz came out to the cottage for a couple of days and, boy, is my liver tired. Actually, it wasn't that bad - but it was definitely the typical cottage visit, with way too much food and a lot of sitting around, and doing nothing. Score.

The trip to Halifax last weekend went really well. We hit the ground running, then proceeded to spend most of the weekend eating lobster and drinking Keith's. Okay, I drank Keith's.

We also went on a tour of the Keith's brewery. This was a lot of fun - they take their tours pretty seriously, and pretend that it's the late 1800's. It even had an audience participation portion.

Tour Guide: "Does anyone know the final, most important ingredient to Alexander Keith's fine India pale ale?"

[23 seconds of silence]

Me: "Love?"

The real ingredient is "time." Andrea started a nigh-incurable case of the giggles, as she, um, took that to be the physical component of love. To see why this is so amusing, look at this picture of Alexander Keith.

Keith's is coming out with a honey-brown and a red variety, which I had the opportunity to sample. By sample, I mean "drink 3 medium-sized glasses very, very quickly before we move onto the next part of the tour." I thought they were good, but not as good as the classic Keith's.

That's about it for now. I'm cleaning the cottage and preparing for my interview today. My brother-in-law is now back from New Orleans, so they're going to take a few days to unwind up here this weekend.


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