Monday, October 03, 2005


I started the job hunt today in earnest. I went to the Strategis webpage and started punching in keywords related to the kind of job I'd like into their search function. The good part of this is that it finds you a list of every company that matches your search in Canada. The bad part is that not many of them are actually hiring.

Still, I'm a little surprised by the outcome. Usually, if you put in an application and they're not interested, you don't hear from the company at all. I mailed in eight resumes, and I've already received three personalized refusals. That's pretty good, as far as I'm concerned. If only I could find a way to tranform rejection letters into rent money, I'd be all set.

I think the reason I get the personalized treatment is because Strategis is geared towards selling a product for these companies. Hence, the contact information tends to be a little bit more personalized. Basically, it means that you can directly e-mail you resume to the company's president. Hey, works for me.

I still haven't given up hope on the other jobs that I've applied to, but I don't think I'd be very happy with myself if I didn't pound on every door that I could before giving up the ghost. Next step may be taking day-trips to Ottawa. If it comes right down to it, I will stand on a street corner in a suit and hand out resumes.

In the mean time, I'm very much enjoying having the chance to relax, take it easy, and putter away at the things that interest me. At this time, that's playing XBox, reading, blogging, and writing. Speaking of which, I've been approached by someone from the Independent Voice to see if I might be interested in writing a few articles. Based on my razor-sharp deductive skills, I'm guessing that it was 'Nee who pointed them my way. But, however they found me, it's nice to have another venue where I can express myself.

I don't even really know if I can say that I'm unemployed at this point, considering that I'm working an average of 2.5 - 4 days a week. The scary thing about my job is that I'm probably making more money this way than I would if I found other full-time work to keep me busy during the job hunt.

It's still beautiful out at the cottage. Tomorrow's supposed to be even nicer than today, and today was absolutely beautiful. I think I may even like the fall out here better than the summer, at least when it's nice and warm. There's not nearly as much boat traffic on the lake, the bugs aren't nearly as bad, and a lot of the trees have started to change colour. I actually went for a swim yesterday. Without falling in, this time.


Okay, time to get back to it. That giant robot isn't going to shoot lasers at the other giant robots all by itself, after all.


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