Tuesday, May 24, 2005


The little counter on this blog does more than just keep track of how many people come for a visit. It also tells me where people come from, how often they visit, and what pages they link from.

Before you accuse me of going Thought Police on you, be assured that it does not tell me your name (only your IP and location) or what pages you've been to, assuming that you did not click a link to get here. I have no knowledge as to anyones' *ahem* other Internet activities.

(Or, as my housemate used to call it, his "naked lady time.")

That said, here is a snapshot of the keyword referrals for the past 200 visits:

"I hate Fox" or some variation: 4 referrals
"I love scotch scotchy scotchy scotch": 1 referral
"Fistman" (this one always creeps me out): 2 referrals
"Tamarindo Irish pubs": 1 referral
"Lucasarts work environment": 1 referral
"Kingston Ontario restaurant aquaterra": 1 referral

Some other common search strings are "Neo Citron" and "I hate JetsGo."


At 3:14 p.m., Blogger Ryan said...

Wow. I'd imagine that with all the webpages on the subject, the searcher would have to go through a lot of sites with "fucking girl" before they got to your page, too.

At 10:27 a.m., Blogger JTL said...

This morning, someone found my site somehow by Googling in "brain twister coin mart". This person was from the Philippines.

It works alright, but... why would someone search for that?

At 12:39 p.m., Blogger Wandering Coyote said...

I love my Sitemeter, and when I had reliable internet I was pretty obsessed with it for a while. I had some strange Google searches that brought people to my site for sure.

Haven't visited in a while because of the crappy, unreliable internet I have out here in the boonies of BC, but I thought while the going was good that I'd stop by and say hi. So HI.


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