Sunday, June 05, 2005

Cottage Weekend

Andrea and I just got back from the cottage about an hour ago. We were joined this weekend by JTL, Riz, Dave, and Sian, along with the best weather that I've seen out there so far this year. It was a weekend of relaxation and decadence, not necessarily in that order.

Something that strikes some folk as being slightly eccentric (if not downright odd) is the fact that I really enjoy entertaining company. Without a word of a lie, I love the cooking, cleaning, drink-serving, etc., etc., that goes along with having people out at the cottage for a weekend.

I think that I get this from my grandmother. She always used to have me and my friends over for Sunday dinner, and the outright thoroughness that she applied to a simple dinner always blew me away. Plates and plates of food would come out, and I'd have to warn friends not to eat too much, as there would be other "waves" of food to follow.

My grandmother no longer does much entertaining (although she is still capable of hoofing 3-4 km on a hot summer's day to make it to S&R and back), but she is the definitive model for how a good host should be. I don't consider myeslf to be on her level yet - mainly I have trouble preparing food so it's all ready at the same time - but I like to think of it as a tribute to my grandmother that I keep her style of entertaining alive and well.

I did, in fact, get my tube-float and cigar-smoke in on Saturday, along with a round of the always-infamous "breakfast burgers" (huge burger, fried egg, cheese, bun) and a steak dinner. That would be the decadent part.

As for the relaxation, there was a lot of sitting out in nature and generally taking it easy. This helps to counteract the eight pounds of grease that are injected directly into your arteries whenever you have a breakfast burger.

In any case, thanks to everyone who came out with us and helped to make it a fantastic weekend. For those of you who weren't there, here's hoping we get the chance to have you out there at some point in the near future.



At 10:33 a.m., Blogger JTL said...

Hats off to Riz who polished off two breakfast burgers. He is truly a Man Among Men.

At 10:40 a.m., Blogger Ryan said...

JTL: Yes, it was impressive. And slightly disturbing.

Riz: Did you end up eating dinner that night, or did you slip into a meat coma when you got home?

At 7:43 a.m., Blogger Channing said...


(I miss cottaging... I need a teleporter for the weekends)


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