Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Random Thoughts

These past few days have been just what I needed.

I've been able to take some time for myself and catch up on all the things that I'd been putting off while I was on course. The list wasn't particularly long, but checking off the items on it makes this down time that much sweeter.

I can't seem to find my pipe. I hope I left it out at the cottage. It's a fine pipe, made out of briar. I haven't smoked it in some time, and wouldn't mind starting again while I have a bit of time off. Hard to get more relaxing than smoking a pipe on a porch.

Apparently, Canada's won a round in the whole softwood lumber thing. I'm hoping this translates into a long-term solution, but you never really know when these kinds of trade disputes come into play. Aren't Republicans supposed to be pro-business? C'mon, guys. Stick to your doctrine. Then again, they're also supposed to be pro-balanced budget, too.

Does anyone reading this play Go? You know, the ancient Japanese surrounding game? I'd kind of like to find someone to play with. Also, I'd like to find a good board (preferably in Kingston). If you know of where I can find either*, that'd be great.

*I already have an online Go game, but it's just not the same.


At 3:19 a.m., Blogger Jon said...

Holy crap, you play Go? I was just about to post on the Queen's Livejournal community to see if I could find anybody who plays. When/where did you learn?

I think it's pretty tough to track down go equipment in Canada if you live outside an urban centre with a big Asian population. My friend Paul brought me back a board from San Francisco, and it will be travelling to Kingston with me in about 12 days. We'll have to fit in some games soon.

At 4:06 p.m., Blogger Ryan said...

Jon: Someone gave me a book on the subject a long time ago. It's been ages since I've played, but if you don't mind giving me a brief refresher on the rules, I'd really enjoy having a match.

I'm almost tempted to make a board. All you really need is a big square, some lines, and different coloured disks.

At 5:35 p.m., Blogger Jon said...

No, I wouldn't mind at all. I'm looking forward to it.

I think I'll be in Kingston from Saturday-Sunday this weekend. Will you be around?

At 9:27 p.m., Blogger Ryan said...

Jon: I'm actually going away for the weekend. Andrea's taking me away for a surprise getaway. When will you be in town next?

At 4:33 a.m., Blogger Jon said...

22nd of August, for good. Still lots of summer left.

Have a good weekend, although I'm not sure if you understand what a "surprise" is.

At 6:30 p.m., Blogger Ryan said...

The location was the surprise, not the getaway.

Although, I am pretty forgetful.


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